

Losing a pet is a delicate situation, and we understand the difficulty in having to make that final decision. We also make certain that the process of putting your pet to sleep is carried out as calmly and smoothly as possible.

Common reasons for euthanasia: 

  • Illness that would cause suffering if the pet were kept alive
  • Organ damage that cannot be repaired
  • Terminal illness such as cancer
  • Inability to afford involved medical procedures
  • Behavioral problems, namely aggression, which cannot be corrected

What happens after euthanasia?

After putting your pet to sleep, you can decide to keep your pet home at with you for burial, or have your pet cremated. Because saying goodbye is difficult, we recommend having after-death plans arranged prior to the visit for euthanasia. No matter what you decide to do, don’t feel pressured to choose one option or another. Because your pet has peacefully passed, it is now your decision to do what is best for you.

The bereavement process is different for every pet owner. Some only take a couple days for mourning while others take months. It is completely normal to mourn the loss of your pet, and you should never feel obligated to put a time limit on what is the “right” amount of time.
