
Saying Goodbye

Most people struggle with the thought of losing their beloved pet, and having to say goodbye can be one of the most difficult things you will have to face. Some pets will pass on their own, while others may require the painful decision to put them down. Whatever the case may be, dealing with the loss is always difficult.

Choosing euthanasia

Many pet owners fear choosing euthanasia for their pet because they see it as giving up on them or lacking the ability to provide for them. In reality, deciding to euthanize a pet is one of the most humane choices you can make.  Allowing a release from distress and from uncertainty is a gift that we have to offer to our animal companions. If you feel that your companion is reaching the end of their road, our veterinarian can walk you through the procedure and answer any questions you might have. 

Dealing with the loss

After we lose a beloved pet, it is always difficult adjusting to life without them. Most pet owners suffer one or multiple stages of grief in various sequences: 

  1. Denial – wondering how you will survive without your pet. Often ask yourself “why” questions, such as “why me?” or “why now?”. 
  2. Anger – usually anger is directed at people around you and is your only way to outwardly express your feelings. 
  3. Bargaining – asking yourself “what if” questions about alternative decisions you could have made or things you could have done differently. 
  4. Depression – a feeling of emptiness without your pet or feeling that life isn’t as happy as it used to be. 
  5. Acceptance – the acknowledgement that your new reality exists, though not stating it is acceptable. Finally understanding that your pet is gone.

Moving forward

Pet owners cope in various ways, and there are numerous services that help make the loss of a pet easier. We work with a local pet crematory that can help preserve your pet. There are also pet loss hotlines, and even support groups. Finding an outlet that allows you to manage your loss is very important.

If you are having trouble grieving the loss of your pet or have questions about choosing euthanasia, feel free to contact our office.

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